Technical Articles
How to Repair Your Garden Tractor's Charging System
Engine Science:
Repairing Your Tractor’s Charging SystemYour tractor requires electricity to run and function.
Electricity creates the spark for your ignition, powers your lights, lifts your
attachments, turns on your PTO, and runs any other accessories you decide to
add. This article will explain the
workings of a Stator Charging System and how to diagnose and repair any issues
you encounter. Your tractor’s charging system consists of the following components:
-Stator Winding-Flywhee
Feb 4th 2025
Engine Science: Rewind Your Small Tractor Engine Stator - Charging System Repair
Engine Science: How to Rewind Your Statorby Norman Ng, Founder of iSaveTractorsYour
engine’s stator produces electricity to keep your battery charged and your
engine running. Sometimes a short will occur, and your stator will fail. You
may be lucky and find a used or new replacement stator, but in many cases they
just don’t exist anymore. Many tractor enthusiasts install external alternators
as a remedy however these alternators alter the aesthetics and appeal of many
of these old tracto
Feb 4th 2025