Tech Support
iSaveTractors Tech Support
*Available only to customers of iSaveTractors
In order to use this tech support feature:
- Make sure you're a customer of You need to have purchased something (even just a cap) from our website to be able to use this feature.
You can purchase merchandise here:
- Your name needs to be in our system from a previous order
- You need to have a working email address
- All tech support responses will be via email
- This is not the place to request returns or other customer service related issues. This is only for Tech Support for vintage small engines and tractors.
Wait times to get an answer can vary. But be sure to do your diligence before submitting a question.
**There is only 1 person, Norman who handles all technical requests from customers all around the world.**
Sources of information can be found in the Technical Articles Section on this website as well as on our YouTube Channel, iSaveTractors.